What is our denomination?
Blanchard Church of Christ is a nondenominational church which means that we are not affiliated with any one group of Christians or churches exclusively. We see ourselves as a local expression of the Body of Christ united with Christians throughout the world.
We believe "denominationalism" has created a lot of confusion in the universal church; and therefore, we simply stand on the Bible as our rule of faith and practice, with church history as our guide. Our plea is unity, our call is truth, and our attitude is love. Our cause is to glorify God in all things and to seek and save the lost [Luke 19:10], and we desire nothing more than to be obedient to Christ and His Word and to love people.
What are the doctrinal essentials for the Blanchard Church of Christ?
Blanchard Church of Christ has a plea with a universal appeal.
Jesus prayed that "they all mayt be one" [John 17:21]. Everywhere Chjristian people are seeking unity today. This uity must be New Testement centered if it is to endure.
Blanchard Church of Christ presents a creed all can accept.
"You are the Christ, the Son of the living God" [Matthew 16:16]. The New Testament requires only a plain statement of faith in Christ as the Son of the living God [see Acts 8:37]. The apostle Paul says the same thing in the statement, "Jesus is Lord." This is the basic truth in Christianity. These statements of faith are built on an interpersonal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Blanchard Church of Christ teaches a baptism all can obey.
Baptism has been controversial throughout the history of the church, but it is our belief that the New Testament teaches immersion of people old enough to believe and confess that Jesus is the Son of the Living God. Although other modes of baptism exist in the church today, all churches agree that immersion is an acceptable form of baptism based upon Acts 2:38 and Romans 6:4. The meaning of baptidzo, the New Testament Greek word for baptism, is "to dip, plunge, or immerse." Every denomination, Protestant and Catholic, will accept immersion as a valid Christian baptism. Scholars all agree that it was the pattern for Jesus' baptism [Matthew 3:16].
Blanchard Church of Christ observes the Lord's supper in a way all can share.
"Do this in rememberance of Me" [Luke 22:19]. The New Testament strongly implies that the Lord's Supper was observed as often as Christians gathered to worship [Acts 20:7]. The Lord's Supper is the spiritual center of our worship service weekly. Each person decides for himself or herself whether or not to share in its observance. It is Christ's supper and not ours; therefore, we feel that no person has a right to exclude another individual from Jesus' table.
Blanchard Church of Christ is organized under a form of government in which all can be free.
It is congregational in government, just as the church at Corinth and Antioch were in the New Testament. Each congregation is the ultimate human authority under the divine authority of Jesus Christ, the Head of the body. Motivated by unity, Christ's mission and love, congregations voluntarily cooperated in many ways in various Christian endeavors.
Blanchard Church of Christ
is a fellowship that is inclusive.
It welcomes you!!